IT-Consulting & Architecture

Making the right technology choices is an important factor for a product to succeed on the market. Many factors are to be considered: time-to-market, scalability, longevity, ease of maintenance, human resources availability.

I'll provide support to your company, whether you are having a greenfield project or are extending a legacy application, by helping you find the right mix of technologies, depending on your product or project preferences.

This might include the following design approaches:

  • Simple Monolith-based MVPs or PoCs
  • Scalable Micro-Service Architecture: CQRS, Even-Driven, Event-Sourcing
  • Domain-driven development of a product: Event-Storming, ReqEng, Feature-Matrices
  • Cloud or metal-based application deployment: AWS, GCP, kubernetes, …

Or the following Techs:

  • Languages: Ruby, Python, Elixir, NodeJS / Javascript (ES 7/8), Rust
  • Storage / Cache: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Infinispan, Kafka
  • Message Bus: RabbitMQ, MQTT, Kafka
  • Backend-Framework: Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Phoenix
  • Frontend-Framework: React, Refux, vue.js, vuex, nuxt.js

My offer ranges from a one hour chat, were we discuss your tech proposition and what you want to achieve, to being freelance software architect, supporting your development team on-site with tech recommendations.

Our contract will run from a small minimum of just two weeks up to one year and we can negotiate early exits if this is beneficial to you.